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Convenient, direct tax payment to the KRA
Convenient, direct tax payment to the Kenya Revenue Authority
Our partnership with Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) enables you to conveniently pay your taxes at any of our branches, through the Integrated Tax Management System (iTax). Payment can be made by either cash or transferring funds from your I&M Bank account.
KRA Tax Payment
a. Register through the KRA website. This is a one-off activity where the taxpayer obtains a USER ID and PASSWORD upon successful registration. (Please login into www.revenue.go.kefor more details).
b. Visit the iTax page on KRA website and log in using your USER ID and PASSWORD
c. File your tax return and register the payment. Upon successful registration of payment, a unique registration number (called e-slip number) will be generated
d. Present the e-slip number to I&M Bank for payment – the bank will confirm validity and consistency of e-slip details and accept your tax payment if in order
e. Upon payment, you will obtain a payment confirmation advice from the bank and your iTax details will be updated and confirmation sent to KRA on a real time basis
NB: The Advice provided by the Bank is final and sufficient proof of payment both to KRA and the tax payer. It is also possible to enquire about your payment status online from the KRA website to confirm that the details have been updated.