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Business Connect
Efficient Payments and Collections solution for your business
B2B API Integration
I&M Business Connect offers an efficient and convenient way for organizations to collect and account for payments owed to them by their customers or members.
Unique Selling Points
- I&M provides instant payment notifications for all successful incoming transactions payments. We have two options available based on your organization’s setup:
- a) Direct Integration: Integrate directly with your Information or Account System for real-time customer details validation and automatic updates to your ERP system with successful payments collected by the Bank. These payments will be updated directly into the ERP, improving operational efficiency, and eliminating cash handling risks for your officers.
- b) Free Web Portal and Mobile App: For organizations without an existing system or those not ready for integration, our free web portal and mobile app provide access to payment reports and the ability to upload billing information.
Key Payment Channels Available to Our Customers
- Cash and cheque deposits at I&M Bank branches.
- Mobile Money - M-Pesa PayBill.
- PesaLink.
- Transaction reference pre-validation capability.
- System integration capability.
- Payment notifications.
- Reconciliation & settlement.
- Real-time updates of payments and receipts on your ERP system.
- Elimination of manual/delayed uploads to the corporate system.
- Ease of reconciliation.
- Access to detailed reports for all transactions.
- Validation against unique customer or reference numbers.
- A transactional business account at I&M Bank.
- Complete of a Business Connect application form (available at branches or from your Relationship Manager in soft copy).
- A basic computer or smartphone with a reliable internet connection.
- Unique identifiers for each client.
Some of the I&M Business Connect Products and Services include:
Strathmore University
Pay fees conveniently through the world-class services of I&M Bank. The partnership between I&M Bank and Strathmore University enables you pay school fees in a smooth and hassle-free way.
By using this service, you will enjoy a host of benefits. To mention but a few:
- World-class banking service and superior customer service at any I&M Bank branch.
- Paying has now been made easier and at no cost to the payer. You can choose to pay through the following options: I&M Mobile banking – 24/7 anywhere, anytime | I&M Bank branch – cash or account transfer | EFT and RTGS | M-PESA | I&M Karibu Agent
- The service allows instant validation of student details, thus eliminating errors and possible complaints.
- Immediate and automatic update of students’ records at the University once payment has been successfully received by the Bank.
- Payments via I&M Mobile can be done anywhere, anytime i.e. 24/7 leaving parents and students with more time for other productive activities.
Click here to view the easy steps to pay your Strathmore University Fees
Pay fees conveniently through the world-class services of I&M Bank. The partnership between I&M Bank and Strathmore University enables you pay school fees in a smooth and hassle-free way.
By using this service, you will enjoy a host of benefits. To mention but a few:
- World-class banking service and superior customer service at any I&M Bank branch.
- Paying has now been made easier and at no cost to the payer. You can choose to pay through the following options: I&M Mobile banking – 24/7 anywhere, anytime | I&M Bank branch – cash or account transfer | EFT and RTGS | M-PESA | I&M Karibu Agent
- The service allows instant validation of student details, thus eliminating errors and possible complaints.
- Immediate and automatic update of students’ records at the University once payment has been successfully received by the Bank.
- Payments via I&M Mobile can be done anywhere, anytime i.e. 24/7 leaving parents and students with more time for other productive activities.
Click here to view the easy steps to pay your Strathmore University Fees
Pay fees conveniently through the world-class services of I&M Bank. The partnership between I&M Bank and Strathmore University enables you pay school fees in a smooth and hassle-free way.
By using this service, you will enjoy a host of benefits. To mention but a few:
- World-class banking service and superior customer service at any I&M Bank branch.
- Paying has now been made easier and at no cost to the payer. You can choose to pay through the following options: I&M Mobile banking – 24/7 anywhere, anytime | I&M Bank branch – cash or account transfer | EFT and RTGS | M-PESA | I&M Karibu Agent
- The service allows instant validation of student details, thus eliminating errors and possible complaints.
- Immediate and automatic update of students’ records at the University once payment has been successfully received by the Bank.
- Payments via I&M Mobile can be done anywhere, anytime i.e. 24/7 leaving parents and students with more time for other productive activities.
Click here to view the easy steps to pay your Strathmore University Fees
Want more information?
Click above to view the brochure. For more details on this service and how to get started, kindly contact your branch manager or your relationship manager.
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We are available from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Weekly.